Saturday, December 13, 2008

Top 10: Essential Damon Albarn

With the surprise news that a Blur reformation is on the cards, with dates booked for next summer, this seems to be a good time to revue the eclectic career of songwriter Damon Albarn.

Albarn has proved himself to be the modern David Bowie-esque chameleon of rock/pop with some interesting forays into further left-field genres.

1. Blur, Modern Life Is Rubbish (1993): On the second album they ditched the baggy leanings and embraced 60’s pop to successful effect.

2. Blur, Parklife (1994): The brit-pop monster. For good and bad.

3. Blur, Blur (1997): The one where they went to Iceland to ‘find’ themselves.

4. Blur, 13 (1999): The one where Graham Coxon made his presence felt.

5. Gorillaz, Gorillaz (2001): The side-project that threatened to eclipse his day job.

6. Mali Music (2002): Vital ‘world music’ project that has informed everything since.

7. Blur, Think Tank (2003): The one where Coxon left. Seriously good album though.

8. Gorillaz, Demon Days (2005): Who needs Blur anyway ?

9. The Good, The Bad & The Queen (2007): All-star project = classic album.

10. Monkey, Journey to the West (2008): Highly ambitious, hugely successful.

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